Three simple questions (click link below for screen shot):

Note: This is a WiWo simulation and assumes 2 hands upon entry and 1 hand when placing the waiting bets. 100 rounds/hr are set.

1) How does CVData compute 15.1% Hands played in the summary?

% Hands Played = [Hands Played/(Hands played + Hands skipped)] x 100

566 million hands/(566 million + 1.7 billion hands) x 100 ~ 25%

2) How does the software compute a DI of 6.69?

DI = [WR/Hand / SD/Hand] x 1000

[$0.3239/$124.68] x 1000 = 2.59

3) If 100 rounds are dealt per hour with 2 Billion rounds simulated, then why does the software indicate 19,999,410 hours instead of 20 million hours? I'm sure there must be a logical reason, but it eludes me.

Thanks in advance for any answers,