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Thread: Bettie: Official "21" Poster

  1. #1

    Bettie: Official "21" Poster

    For those of you who don't know, Kevin Spacey has made a movie called "21" based on the book "Bringing Down the House," which itself was based on the heyday of the MIT blackjack team. Below is a link to the official movie poster for anyone interested.

    Happy Turkey Day to all our U.S. friends!

  2. #2

    Wildcard: Re: Official "21" Poster

    > For those of you who don't know, Kevin Spacey has made
    > a movie called "21" based on the book
    > "Bringing Down the House," which itself was
    > based on the heyday of the MIT blackjack team. Below
    > is a link to the official movie poster for anyone
    > interested.

    > Happy Turkey Day to all our U.S. friends!
    > Bettie

    Mr. Spacey appears to be a new friend of the whacko Hugo Chavez. For that reason alone, I wouldn't support anything he or those of his ilk do, like Danny Glover and Sean Penn, also friends of the nut case mentioned above. I don't buy Citgo gas either, no matter how cheaply the price.


  3. #3

    OldCootFromVA: Boycotting Citgo

    > I don't buy Citgo gas either, no matter how
    > cheaply the price.

    While I appreciate the sentiment, the oil market is completely fungible; so you will probably be getting some Venezuelan fuel no matter which brand station you go to. All the gasoline goes into the same pipeline, and the only difference between brands is the additives put in after taking delivery from the pipe. Thus, you are not hurting Chavez -- you are only hurting the local gas station owner. This may be a good thing or not -- as you may force some/all to switch brands and break Citgo as a corporation -- but that would require a virtually total boycott of Citgo. But, even that would not stop the sale of Venezualan oil -- it would only change the brand(s) it is sold under.

    The only way to "get" Chavez is to get oil back under $35/bbl, which is the extraction cost for his heavier than normal oil.

  4. #4

    SOTSOG: Re: Official "21" Poster

    > Mr. Spacey appears to be a new friend of the whacko
    > Hugo Chavez. For that reason alone, I wouldn't support
    > anything he or those of his ilk do, like Danny Glover
    > and Sean Penn, also friends of the nut case mentioned
    > above. I don't buy Citgo gas either, no matter how
    > cheaply the price.

    > WC

    Who told you Chavez was whacko?

  5. #5

    OldCootFromVA: Re: Official "21" Poster

    > Who told you Chavez was whacko?

    Hm, lessee: He espouses a discredited and failed economic theory and hates George Bush. Sounds like a typical American liberal to me.

  6. #6

    SOTSOG: Re: Official "21" Poster

    Looked at the U.S. Dollar -vs- the Euro lately?
    The words "failed economic policy" and "George Bush" should always be used together.

  7. #7

    OldCootFromVA: Re: Official "21" Poster

    > Looked at the U.S. Dollar -vs- the Euro lately?
    > The words "failed economic policy" and
    > "George Bush" should always be used
    > together.

    As usual, you've got it wrong.

    1. "Failed economic policy" is not the same as "failed economic theory."

    2. If you're trying to say Bush's economic policy has failed, then you're clearly wrong. Unemployment so low we have to bring in foreigners to work, low inflation, expanding economy (estimated @ 5% last quarter). Looks to me like we've never had it so good.

  8. #8

    Parker: Enough already!

    Hey, you guys know the rules around here. :-)

    Although I do commend you both for managing to keep it cordial (so far).


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