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Thread: Norm Wattenberger: A well turned phrase is better than a thousand pictures

  1. #1
    Norm Wattenberger

    Norm Wattenberger: A well turned phrase is better than a thousand pictures

    We?ve tried to think of ways of educating the public about the evils of demon 6:5 BJ. And we all know that a major BJ movie is in the works. Suggestions have been made that explanations of the disadvantage of 6:5 be somehow inserted into the movie. But, all the math, charts, explanations, lectures, pamphlets, and web pages in the World won?t kill 6:5. It would only take five seconds of the movie. A couple of MIT team members passing by a 6:5 table and one making an offhand comment to the other ?Only a complete doofus would play 6:5.? That might kill it. I?m sure a Hollywood type can improve the line. And who cares if it's the wrong decade?

    Blackjack Scams

  2. #2

    MJ: Not a bad idea....

    but two problems with your suggestion.

    1) As you mentioned, 6:5 was not around back in the 90s.

    2) The MIT Teams never played in single deck games for a couple of reasons. First, there is no mid shoe entry in those games so team play goes out the window. Second, Mickey Rosa forbid his players to play in single deck games due to dealer cheating and the cut card effect.

    It certainly couldn't hurt to implement your idea. However, I don't think it would ever happen because the main purpose of the film is to earn $$$ and not to save players from poor BJ games.


  3. #3

    Parker: So?

    Hollywood has never been known for letting the facts get in the way of a storyline.

    "Nobody can count down a six deck shoe!"

  4. #4
    Norm Wattenberger

    Norm Wattenberger: Since when has a movie been about reality:)

    All good points. But neither continuity nor accuracy has been a strong point of recent movies

  5. #5

    buddha: Re: Since when has a movie been about reality:)

    > All good points. But neither continuity nor accuracy
    > has been a strong point of recent movies

    If this movie is successful, might it generate a wave of paranoia like Beat the Dealer from the casinos who begin to see card counters around every corner? Of course, the ultimate result from BTD was that the casinos reaped even more profits from the poor suckers who thought they could now beat blackjack. Hopefully, the movie generates more open arms than increased surveillance from casino management.


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