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Thread: Mr. Lee: Don S.

  1. #1
    Mr. Lee

    Mr. Lee: Don S.

    How come I can't get your book at Borders or Barnes and Noble? They told me out of print but you can but it online at some ap sites.

  2. #2

    Parker: Not Don, but . . .

    > How come I can't get your book at Borders or Barnes
    > and Noble? They told me out of print but you can but
    > it online at some ap sites.

    You can get it here!

    In case you haven't noticed, the Parker Pages are free. Furthermore, you see no flashing, jiggling ads for online casinos. We accept no outside advertising. (We do occasionally do low-key promotions of our own products - like I'm doing now.)

    So, by buying Blackjack Attack here, you not only get the book you want, you help support the site, not to mention ensure that I don't have to go out and get a real job. :-)

    We offer secure online ordering, a 100% satisfaction guarantee, a variety of payment options, and we ship worldwide.

    For your convenience, I have provided a direct link below.

  3. #3

    Bettie: Re: Don S.

    > How come I can't get your book at Borders or Barnes
    > and Noble? They told me out of print but you can but
    > it online at some ap sites.

    The 2nd edition and hardcover are both "out of print," meaning that even though I have some, I won't release to my distributor because there are very few of either left. As for the paperback, both of those stores will order for you through our distributor if you provide them with the proper ISBN. Finding a good distributor who fits our particular needs as a small publisher has been a bit harder than I imagined, but you should start seeing more RGE titles in the stores next year. Currently, our biggest reseller is Amazon, though ordering BJA3 through us gets you 3 free months of Trackjack and Don's Domain membership (which gets you a discount when you shop here!)



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