> The house's money is all those chips in the dealer's
> chip tray. If you start playing with that, they will
> get really, really upset.

So that's why they bar you when you start winning too much. :-)

> They do. It is.

> Actually, the odds of being abducted by aliens and of
> winning the top MegaBucks jackpot are almost
> identical.

Pretty good for the believers I guess, but not so good for skeptics like me.

> Well, you've just managed to piss off not only all the
> advantage players, but all the doctors who might be
> reading this. If you're looking for easy money, you
> haven't been paying attention.

I am not looking for "easy" money but plenty of money the easiest way I can get it. And as for "pissing off" the AP's and doctors, all I can say is: Sorry, that was certainly not my intention. But it is a bit funny if it's true. LOL :-() Ha, ha, ha. Just kidding of course. :-)

> As I have often said, if you have the bankroll to play
> blackjack full time, you have undoubtedly found an
> easier way to make money.

Unfortunately, I haven't found that "easier way" yet. But I am on the lookout for how I can make obscene amounts of money by doing absolutely nothing.

> The pros I know are a group of rugged individualists
> who share one common trait: They would rather die than
> work at a conventional job for someone else.

A trait which I posess, for better or worst.

>These are truly exceptional people, who would likely be
> successful at any endeavor they were to attempt. They
> have my sincere respect.

As well as my own. However, I cannot say that I truly envy them.

Desi. D.