Hoping to post here with topics that are not usually covered. Or, if there are, to a depth not usually penetrated.

Length of session, good or bad, has always been an indecisive problem for me. Assuming my bankroll is appropriate, should I play 30 minutes while winning the size of my bankroll and quit? Or, on the other hand, if losing, should I initiate another session after a lost session?
We all know this is a give and take type of game. I have doubled, and tripled my session bankroll on many occasions and quit. I have also dropped 3 to 4 sessions bankroll in a day, which I can handle, but never enjoy.

Our lifetime of play is one long session, so I really don't give to much credence to individual 1 hour sessions. My concern is that I may be wrong.

I have played, as most of you I'm sure, for short periods of time and won, then quit. Also played all day and lost. My fear is that I am too conservative. Playing to double and triple my bankroll eliminates the chances of a real big win. I can only lose what I bring, which is within my bankroll affordablility.

I guess what I am asking is.....am I foolish or pricatical in quiting when the cards are with me and I triple my bankroll?