Rules: 6D,S17,DOA,DAS,LS,RSA

Pen: 4.5

Betting scheme:
1) If head on, -1<=TC: 0, -1<=TC<2: 1, 2<=TC<3: 2, 3<=TC<4: 4, 4<=TC<5: 6, 5<=TC: 8
2) If other players at the tables, -1<=TC: 0, -1<=TC<2: 1, 2<=TC<3: 2X2, 3<=TC<4: 3X3, 4<=TC<5: 4X4, 5<=TC: 6X6

Number of hours: 25

I have searched quite a bit through BJ Attack by Don S. and have found data that is "close" giving me an idea for above figures, but I would like to be more precise.

Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.
