> But we digress : We should be examining
> whether Karel Janecek 's part in creating
> BJS allows him to claim he's still fully and
> undividedly on the players' side.

> I have a simple rule, which I already stated
> ("Only one side of your toast gets
> buttered"). It seems that you, Don
> Schlesinger , conduct yourself by that
> strict rule, since you have always refused
> to provide any work for casinos or related
> enterprises. Isn't this correct? And, if it
> is, I wonder why didn't you assist them like
> Karel did? You rated his contribution to a
> casino-related enetrprise to be completely
> legitimate.

Karel's part in the development of BJ Switch was so absolutely miniscule, it is comparable to a person being a bartender or a waitress in a casino restaurant before becoming a professional player. It means nothing - no ties, no loyalty, nada. If you fault Karel for helping with the statistical analysis of a game that was just a pipedream in the creator's eyes, why do you not fault Stanford Wong and David Matthews for having been actual casino employees - dealers, even - in the past? It's ridiculous, and your insistence on making a mountain out of what is not even an molehill just makes you look bad. Why the insistence on attacking Karel?
