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Thread: utica3: single deck

  1. #1

    utica3: single deck

    doa,rsa, double any #of cards,surrender any # of cards, 6 card 21 pays 2 to 1, blackjack pays even money, oh yeah, das too. Can anyone tell me appx. how much of a disadvantage ( or advantage ) this game yields w/bs. I diddnt see some of the options in the bs search engine. I assume the bs is the same. Any help greatly appreciated. thx

  2. #2

    98%: Re: single deck

    That sounds like 'Superfun 21'. In my opinion, it should be avoided. You'll almost never find any decent penetration for this game and, if I recall correctly, the house advantage is larger than that of a standard 8 deck shoe game (S17, Surrender, DAS). There are a couple of strange rule variations which may indeed cause a slight alteration of BS. You're better off finding a standard SD game - even money blackjacks on a single deck game are quite devastating for the player.

  3. #3

    utica3: Re: single deck

    thanx 4 your response. you're right, it is superfun 21. do you really think even money on bj is so devastating that its not offset by the other rules. thx again

  4. #4
    ET Fan

    ET Fan: Agree with 98%: even money BJ is a deal breaker *NT*

  5. #5

    Parker: Re: single deck

    > thanx 4 your response. you're right, it is
    > superfun 21. do you really think even money
    > on bj is so devastating that its not offset
    > by the other rules. thx again

    It's not a matter of opinion. The even money payoff for BJ's gives up a whopping 2.3% of advantage. Opinions of the experts vary, but the other favorable rules probably only recover about half of this.

    This game may be beatable using a specialized count, modified basic strategy and a large spread, but if you approach it as a conventional blackjack game you are playing at a large disadvantage. As others have pointed out, even a mediocre shoe game is preferable.


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