> I know very goog explanation for big clumps.
> There are 2methods to maintain clumps.
> 1. PLUGGING = dealer sorts card when burst or finish
> each games, and plug big cards in a lower part and
> small cards in the middle of consumed cards. If
> shuffle is simple big cards come on top and small
> cards come in middle or latter half of next shoe.
> (imagine normally player tends to cut near center.)
> then house egde is bigger.(this plugging I observed in
> Srilanka before.) Even if shuffle is not simple its
> not hard to keep clumps. this is obious case.
> and every experianced player will notice it.

> 2. many peple here say SKIMMING,, well posible but its
> conspicuous and not really sufficient to build
> beautifully sorted clumps..by surface?? no.
> Defferenciated surfaces serve the SECOND DEAL YES! Not
> The answer is�@that these casinos use special
> cards in a trapezoidal shape.
> Example, if PICURES have trapezoidal shape and
> slightly bigger. and other cards are normal. And
> dealer swings cards(but not vertically),he pretends to
> swing but he skims pictures.( holding 1deck of cards
> and pulling out pictures little by little.
> This tric is reported in Cyplus(2 casinos, I dont know
> if I can name them here,, if someone intends to go
> there ,mail me) and in south Korea not mainland but
> Cheju island.
> Sorry guys I cant write in English well.

I have encountered two cases of dealer manipulation of the shuffle outside the USA. Both are 6d games.

1) The first case is more obvious. The dealor used a false shuffle and basically controlled the shoe by changing how different segments are combined after each shoe. He did not use the same shuffle procedure after each shoe. He also selectively inserted some cards at the bottom of the discards and others at the top of the discards.

2) The second case is less obvious with the dealor carefully watching how the cards are mixed during the shuffle. He uses a same shuffle procedure after each shoe but is careful how each half deck is shuffled together to form a 1 deck segment.

Has anyone seen either the first or seceond case?