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Thread: chance king: greatest bj player

  1. #1
    chance king

    chance king: greatest bj player

    who would be considered amongst the top five of all great players .. the bill gates and warren buffet of bj? terms of made
    2.technical knowhow.. books,websites,schools,computer sims,seminars,schools...syndicates teams..
    3.and commands the respect of the community amongst other criteria..
    ..say ken huston,stamford wong..??
    i need some enlightenment.. probably someone low profile!!??
    heard someone made 6 million from korea alone ..
    so would the total made say exceed 100 million for a single player??

  2. #2
    Brick Waller

    Brick Waller: must be a joke.

    If your question is serious I'd say Ken Uston,no he did not make 100 million. The only gamblers I'm aware who's made 100 million was from a lotto ticket. Wish it was as easy as Blackjack,dont you?

  3. #3

    Rainer: Re: greatest bj player

    > who would be considered amongst the top five
    > of all great players .. the bill gates and
    > warren buffet of bj?
    > terms of
    > made
    > 2.technical knowhow..
    > books,websites,schools,computer
    > sims,seminars,schools...syndicates teams..
    > 3.and commands the respect of the community
    > amongst other criteria..
    > ..say ken huston,stamford wong..??
    > i need some enlightenment.. probably someone
    > low profile!!??
    > heard someone made 6 million from korea
    > alone ..
    > so would the total made say exceed 100
    > million for a single player??

    Sorry,but not me.

  4. #4

    Parker: Impossible to say

    > who would be considered amongst the top five
    > of all great players .. the bill gates and
    > warren buffet of bj?
    > terms of
    > made
    > 2.technical knowhow..
    > books,websites,schools,computer
    > sims,seminars,schools...syndicates teams..
    > 3.and commands the respect of the community
    > amongst other criteria..
    > ..say ken huston,stamford wong..??
    > i need some enlightenment.. probably someone
    > low profile!!??
    > heard someone made 6 million from korea
    > alone ..
    > so would the total made say exceed 100
    > million for a single player??

    Why would anyone keep playing that long? I plan on retiring from the game as soon as I've made, say, $10 mil or so. :-)

    Besides, blackjack doesn't scale well. There may be plenty of casinos in which you can spread $100 - 2x$1000, but only a few in the world where you can spread $1K - 2x$10K or higher without drawing intense heat.

    High stakes pro isn't exactly a high-profile profession. I could name several people, but the names would mean nothing to you. Nonetheless, they would really, and I mean really, be upset with me for doing so.

    Also, are we talking strictly card counters, all forms of blackjack advantage play, or all forms of advantage play?

    And are we talking about players, or those who have contributed to our knowledge of the game such as Peter Griffin, Stanford Wong, Don Schlesinger, etc? I seem to recall that Griffin admitted to being a lifetime loser at the game!

    Some consider the organizers of the big, high stakes teams to be the best players, others feel that they are destroying the game for all of us.

    Are we talking greatest ever, still alive but perhaps not playing, or currently playing? It is difficult to compare someone like Uston to today's pros because the conditions are so different.

    I personally have a huge amount of respect for the solo high-stakes card counters currently playing, but as I said, I'm not about to name anyone.

  5. #5
    chance king

    chance king: Re: Impossible to say

    >1.BRICK..people who know me know i dont joke like this .. i am sensitive ..and get seriously offended when warranted..
    2.MONEY IS ALL RELATIVITY.. WHY DO bill gates or larry ellison bother to wake up then??
    i am sure you know a few blokes you say you cant mention made more than 10 million.. so ask ?? i make 0.1 million is enough to retire to some coconut island ..
    3.losers like you say ..griffin would not count i guess..losers at the end of the day would not command respect ..regardless of the field they are in..bernie ebbers...come to mind?? in point.. no matter how good you are technically ..if you have not even made say $1000 winner to date .. you will not get my respect as a great player would you ??
    4.only bj players ..not interested in other advantage horse racing .
    5.cos daily conversations amongst "players"
    sometimes the topic of the best/greatest comes up ... obviously they got to be someone who has made a pile ,know the stuff..etc... seems SHAMEFUL THAT SOMEONE LIKE ME DO NOT KNOW WHO THE BEST IN MY PROFESSION ARE ..??
    surely if you are a magician .. you know to answer that maybe david copperfield is amongst the best when asked??
    6.but i suppose in this case ..we will only know pehaps when they die.. like the greatest spy ever ... or ignoramus like me will never get to hear of the best there is out there ..
    7.parker .. maybe a hint ?? would it be some asian,oriental,caucasian or jew..or unlikely african/indian??


    Why would anyone keep playing that long? I
    > plan on retiring from the game as soon as
    > I've made, say, $10 mil or so. :-)

    > Besides, blackjack doesn't scale well. There
    > may be plenty of casinos in which you can
    > spread $100 - 2x$1000, but only a few in the
    > world where you can spread $1K - 2x$10K or
    > higher without drawing intense heat.

    > High stakes pro isn't exactly a high-profile
    > profession. I could name several people, but
    > the names would mean nothing to you.
    > Nonetheless, they would really, and I mean
    > really, be upset with me for doing so.

    > Also, are we talking strictly card counters,
    > all forms of blackjack advantage play, or
    > all forms of advantage play?

    > And are we talking about players, or those
    > who have contributed to our knowledge of the
    > game such as Peter Griffin, Stanford Wong,
    > Don Schlesinger, etc? I seem to recall that
    > Griffin admitted to being a lifetime loser
    > at the game!

    > Some consider the organizers of the big,
    > high stakes teams to be the best players,
    > others feel that they are destroying the
    > game for all of us.

    > Are we talking greatest ever, still alive
    > but perhaps not playing, or currently
    > playing? It is difficult to compare someone
    > like Uston to today's pros because the
    > conditions are so different.

    > I personally have a huge amount of respect
    > for the solo high-stakes card counters
    > currently playing, but as I said, I'm not
    > about to name anyone.

  6. #6

    BJT: Re: greatest bj player

    I thought BJ Hall of Fame served the purpose of the GREAT in the game. I once asked a team leader how much he won, he said he did not know... if your team won $10 millioin... does that make you great? How much of that were yours? Microsoft makes lots money... so the team leader should be GREAT from your standard? Hyland team won $2 million from one casino in 2 months... Who got the credit... Tom Hyland or his teammate who could memorized 24 cards? Ken Ustaon team won $5 million in several years... I read somewhere. That was great given the time they made that amount... $100 million in current value? I know a guy won $ millions in several years from BJ then moved to horse racing and won $100 million... he still plays BJ... betting $10,000 7 boxes if allowed... you donot think he is great? Donot waste your time on finding it out... write more on your board for me to read...

  7. #7

    methodman: could it be

    Gina lee Nolin of baywatch fame,is the best player in the world(just kidding), she was
    on the travel channel the other night
    playing high limits at the plams 6dk and they even called out checks play for her,whoa..a little
    paranoia.She was doing large spreads though, but the stupid pit only looking at spreads, so much else to watch but few pit are versed enough.

    The best was Stu Ungar..and Ken Uston..tie..

    > Why would anyone keep playing that long? I
    > plan on retiring from the game as soon as
    > I've made, say, $10 mil or so. :-)

    > Besides, blackjack doesn't scale well. There
    > may be plenty of casinos in which you can
    > spread $100 - 2x$1000, but only a few in the
    > world where you can spread $1K - 2x$10K or
    > higher without drawing intense heat.

    > High stakes pro isn't exactly a high-profile
    > profession. I could name several people, but
    > the names would mean nothing to you.
    > Nonetheless, they would really, and I mean
    > really, be upset with me for doing so.

    > Also, are we talking strictly card counters,
    > all forms of blackjack advantage play, or
    > all forms of advantage play?

    > And are we talking about players, or those
    > who have contributed to our knowledge of the
    > game such as Peter Griffin, Stanford Wong,
    > Don Schlesinger, etc? I seem to recall that
    > Griffin admitted to being a lifetime loser
    > at the game!

    > Some consider the organizers of the big,
    > high stakes teams to be the best players,
    > others feel that they are destroying the
    > game for all of us.

    > Are we talking greatest ever, still alive
    > but perhaps not playing, or currently
    > playing? It is difficult to compare someone
    > like Uston to today's pros because the
    > conditions are so different.

    > I personally have a huge amount of respect
    > for the solo high-stakes card counters
    > currently playing, but as I said, I'm not
    > about to name anyone.

  8. #8
    chance king

    chance king: Re: MY BULLETIN

    > SORRY...been a bit lazy and busy of late time to write my PERSONAL BULLETIN.. will write more i promise..once i reach south america.. told to shut up while in my current locations... !!

    > I thought BJ Hall of Fame served the purpose
    > of the GREAT in the game. I once asked a
    > team leader how much he won, he said he did
    > not know... if your team won $10 millioin...
    > does that make you great? How much of that
    > were yours? Microsoft makes lots money... so
    > the team leader should be GREAT from your
    > standard? Hyland team won $2 million from
    > one casino in 2 months... Who got the
    > credit... Tom Hyland or his teammate who
    > could memorized 24 cards? Ken Ustaon team
    > won $5 million in several years... I read
    > somewhere. That was great given the time
    > they made that amount... $100 million in
    > current value? I know a guy won $ millions
    > in several years from BJ then moved to horse
    > racing and won $100 million... he still
    > plays BJ... betting $10,000 7 boxes if
    > allowed... you donot think he is great?
    > Donot waste your time on finding it out...
    > write more on your board for me to read...

  9. #9

    chucky: What happened?

    Why did you censor my message 3 weeks ago? I posted that the greatest player is a comp. And that a great human personality invests in Liechtenstein.

  10. #10

    Parker: Is this directed at me?

    > Why did you censor my message 3 weeks ago? I
    > posted that the greatest player is a comp.
    > And that a great human personality invests
    > in Liechtenstein.

    I have no idea what you are talking about.

    I do not censor posts. Only government agencies can censor. I delete posts with inappropriate content. If you'd like to discuss why a particular post was deleted via e-mail, as per "Parker's Policies," I'd be happy to respond. Please include a copy of the post, as I can't remember what I did three hours ago, let alone three weeks.


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