Although I am fairly new to this forum, I have counted to some degree for a long time. My local where I played I was more ploppy than ap due to a lack of discipline and accepting too many mistakes. Therefore, I was a loser until I finally decided to play perfect and be disciplined. They knew who I was and playing anomously was not possible. I played plus ev for what seemed to be a never ending atm. I was spoiled. I cashed out amounts after playing and showed my i.d (they knew who i was for the last 20 years). I played in the HL room and at some point started to get hints they wanted me to slow down. Eventually I got the back off. After the backoff I thought fine, I will play in the other 8 or 9 casinos within a few hour drive. I started getting backed off much quicker from all of them (trespassed at one of them).

I am fairly certain that I am not databased (but not 100%). I was definitely flyered which probably accounted for some of the backoffs (asked not play blackjack using my name when I was playing unrated).

Which brings me to my question, the main thing I underestimated is how much I hate dealing with the cage. I generally play HL, and some a cashout of 3k to 6k is normal. Over 3k (sometimes lower) they always ask for I.D. I always say no, and it becomes a big production. I don't mind being backed off, if you want to trespass me fine---but I hate the i.d. issue. My question is it ever ok for an amount like 4k to simply give I.D to avoid the hassle? I know the answer for most will be if you want to count, just say no and hold your ground. I also know it makes sense to leave and come back to cash out in smaller increments but often that has its own issues (your schedule where you need to leave, being questioned when you played, etc). Generally anything over 3k they ask for I.D, my thought is I feel like many times I bring more attention to myself not giving I.D. than just showing it. There are times I have seen the pit call over to get my i.d when I was cashing out for a small amount. In those instances, I know its best not to give it. But when you have a session that had no heat, your spreads were not super obvious and you didn't split 10s or even double a soft 19 vs 4 is it an option just to give i.d since they are doing it as routine and not out of suspicion?

If the answer, is never give i.d fine. But I just wanted to see if there were any other thoughts on the issue. Thanks