Quote Originally Posted by moo321 View Post
Are you talking about back-counting these games? I guess you could get a tiny edge, but I don't see how you're keeping the count on ten tables without a computer program. Maybe that's your move.
Playing multiple tables has multiplicative gains. A SCORE of 7 is equivalent to 70 with ten tables.

You do not need any special skills to do this. The games are very slow and you have a fraction of the cognitive distractions you would in a casino. I don't believe any one who can count a single table in a physical casino environment can't count at least 4 at a time.

If someone did find this challenging then you can just literally close any table which doesn't immediately go positive post-deal. And forget about any playing departures since it contributes almost nothing. TC conversion can be simplified greatly because the game will only be worth betting at the death of the deal. Though I think you would find avoiding being bored to death is the biggest challenge here, not the mental difficulty.