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Thread: Basic Strategy - How far we have come

  1. #1

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    Basic Strategy - How far we have come

    It seems like the more I research I am always bumping into a new index, early surrender, or other deviation.

    Question- Is basic strategy even useful in shoe games, have we gotten so far away from it with all the sims etc?

  2. #2

    1 out of 1 members found this post helpful. Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No
    Quote Originally Posted by Sundown View Post
    Is basic strategy even useful in shoe games, have we gotten so far away from it with all the sims etc?
    You play the great majority of your hands using BS, so I'm not sure exactly what your question is.


  3. #3

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    "The great majority"?? is this really true when you consider indices in negative ranges, indices in positive ranges , and indices in between such as -1,+2, to +3 ? I used yours which is the famous Illustrious 18 but that doesn't kick in until I'm at true count +4.for the majority. From what I'm reading even that is being challenged.

    Respectfully submitted as always

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sundown View Post
    "The great majority"?? is this really true when you consider indices in negative ranges, indices in positive ranges , and indices in between such as -1,+2, to +3 ? I used yours which is the famous Illustrious 18 but that doesn't kick in until I'm at true count +4.for the majority. From what I'm reading even that is being challenged. Respectfully submitted as always
    Depends on your situation. If you wong, then the negative indices are rarely in use ( the 16v 10, 12v4 are the only two that come to mind) Still though, with Wonging most of your plays won't change, especially at the lower TCs (or running for those using such counts),

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sundown View Post
    "The great majority"?? is this really true when you consider indices in negative ranges, indices in positive ranges , and indices in between such as -1,+2, to +3 ? I used yours which is the famous Illustrious 18 but that doesn't kick in until I'm at true count +4.for the majority. From what I'm reading even that is being challenged.
    Not sure what you are talking about. If you play enough, you'll realize that the frequency with which you deviate from Basic Strategy is relatively low.You'll play most of your hands using BS.

  6. #6

    1 out of 1 members found this post helpful. Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No
    Quote Originally Posted by Intermediate View Post
    Not sure what you are talking about. If you play enough, you'll realize that the frequency with which you deviate from Basic Strategy is relatively low.You'll play most of your hands using BS.
    Without question, as I said.


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