One2Six CSM, 6D BJ, players bet 3 hands per round.

1) Assume that after the dealer completes a hand each round, just before dealer inserts the used card from the table (labeled yellow card) into the CSM, there are cards in the chute (labeled green card) and cards in the CSM (labeled red card) . We then record the number of yellow, green and red cards (before inserting the yellow cards into the CSM). Repeating this process for 1,000,000 rounds, what are the minimum, maximum, and average number of each color cards? The average number of "yellow" cards should be around 11 (Player 3 hands + Banker = 4 x 2.75 = 11)

2) After the dealer puts the "yellow" cards into the CSM, she will dealt "green" cards from the chute, and the number of "green" cards will decrease. When the "green" cards are less than a certain number, the CSM will be triggered to spit out a stack of cards (mixed with the yellow and red cards) to the bottom of the remaining "green" cards. Is this how CSM works?

3) Under what circumstances will the CSM be triggered to spit out a stack of cards into the chute? When there are less than a certain number of "green" cards? Have less than 5 green cards? Have less than 3 green cards? Anyone know the correct number?

4) What is the average number of that stack of cards(yellow cards + red cards)?

Thanks in advance for your help.