A few comments: You may want to start by looking here: www.amazon.com/Hi-Lo-Card-Counting-System-Complete/dp/1944877622/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1385E9L17A44K&keywords=the+hi-lo+card+counting+system+a+complete+guide+to+index+ play&qid=1703302360&sprefix=The+Hi-Lo+Card+%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-1

You've basically described the book that Dave Brolley and I published recently. Strongly suggest you have a look. All the methodology is described in the text that precedes the 330 charts plus all the indices.

You never mentioned for how many decks your work was for!

No matter the decks, there are two errors in the BS charts: You don't hit 12 vs. 4, and you don't double A,A vs. 6, no matter what game you're playing. So, something's wrong there. Nor is insurance advantageous at TC >=+2, which makes me wonder if, somehow, this wasn't single deck. But then the BS would have even more errors. So, it surely looks like a 6-deck game.

Write back after you've had a look at the book, which I'm sure won't disappoint you.
