
The last hole in my game is the following. When the dealer is making some crazy long hand (like a 7-9 card hand chalk full of low cards and aces), I'm having trouble double checking their total and comparing to my hands (especially if I myself have both hands complicated like the dealers) all while accurately keeping the count of course. Like obviously I could do either at once, but doing both at the same time is really difficult and up until now I've been just trusting the dealers, which I know now is a big no no.

Is there any way to practice this? Is there an option on casino verite to specifically test yourself on COMPLEX totals? Is there an option on casino verite where you can be presented a long string of cards that make up a complex hand and test yourself on immediate recognition of the total?

Up until now I've been trusting the dealers but now I will in addition to keeping the count add up each dealers total and compare to each of my hands EVERY time. This is much more mental fatigue, but it is necessary. I started doing this this trip and I already caught at least 300$ in dealer errors against me. I'm shuddering at the thought of how many dealer errors I allowed over the years, and expecially because most dealers know Im counting and not tipping so they are more likely to cheat me in this way.

Any advice on how to practice this is much appreciated. When you use church software by Colin Jones on Blackjack Apprenticeship to test out, there is no way to test this. It seems that the bible blackjack team doesn't think it's necessary to train on this.

Thanks for any advice