In the Late Katarina Walker's book her index for 6deck H17 has
Against an Ace
8-8H/P: -2
8-8 -4

This doesn't make sense to me. Does this mean?

Hit -4>TC
Surrender -4<TC<-2
Split -2<TC.

Then to add to this confusion I will transcribe a paragraph (page 82), "Surrendering 8-8 versus Ace is a special case, when playing North American H17 and Pontoon. The NA H17 Index for surrender is -4, but when the true count reaches zero or above, splitting has a higher EV than surrendering, so we split. For Pontoon, the EV for surrendering decreases for the count, which causes a peculiar anomaly - although the surrender index is +2, we also surrender at TC=0."

New to AP.