Quote Originally Posted by BJGenius007 View Post
From what I saw on the Youtube video this player uploaded, Macau Blackjack rules are quite good.

1. S17
2. Penetration is about 4.5/6D to 5/6D.
3. Best part: Split aces, you can continue hitting, not just get one card for each ace. And if your split ace gets a face card, it is considered Blackjack and get paid 3:2.
4. This is the weird part. Dealer gets his downcard after all hits/doubles/splits of players. So the third base likes to add a dummy hand with minimal bet. It is idiotic because unless you are counting, it does not help to your main hand.
5. Splits and doubles are just like we do here in USA. But I see Chinese seldom double. Never on 9. Very rare on 10. Rare on 11 even against bust card.
And you only have to bet $2 million a hand?....THATS A STEAL!!!!