Hello dear forum,

just upfront please excuse that English is not my first language. But hopefully you will understand me and I can get some nice and honest answers to my questions..

so yeah I am new here at this forum and I was on the lookout for a place to ask a couple of questions regarding Vegas or any other place where you can play Blackjack. Here in Germany it is not possible to get an edge over the house because all casinos use csms. And because my dream was always to visit the USA at least once in my lifetime I thought I might couple both ideas. Play some BJ and see something of the US.
So I am planing to come for about 90 days with a tourist visa and do a little traveling combined with some weeks living in Vegas.

My plan when beeing in Vegas is to basically play a hit and run game as a maximizer. I dont wanna become a pro. I just wanna get some dollars from the casinos and leave after 90 days.
My bankroll is big enough for my maximizing plan which is: Count cards and when the True count gives me an edge just bet huge, maybe even a 1-100 spread. I dont care about getting banned because I leave the states anyways after a couple of weeks.

Still I have some questions. How long would you estimate I can play a doubledeck game where I throw in 500 bucks all the sudden. How many hands/shoes/minutes/hours will I be allowed to play there on average?
Second question, when I get backed off is it possible to just move to another casino? So basically I just wanna play the maximizing game in as much casinos as possible.

Any thoughts on how long my trip could last?
Maybe you even have some better ideas. Thank you so much in advance.

Kind regards,