Houyi, thank you for your critical view of BJA. You made some valid points. I have followed BJA for the videos on YouTube and for a while I had a paid membership early on when it was cheap and then I was a free use member until they shut that down.

Colin's book is great. I thought it would be an average blackjack book. Instead, I was impressed by his look at the psychological aspects of the game plus one analytical math chart which I had never seen in print before. I feel, despite its promotion of BJA, that it is worth reading.

In the back of my mind I have wondered about the numbers too. It is too rosy and just unrealistic. It is a hypocrisy on his part to promote those players who started with just $1000 and hit $100k in a year. In a YouTube video he created in the last few months, he states that it is best to start with at least $10k or more if you wish to generate some income. In effect he is doing the casino industry a service. The untrained majority will go out with a small amount and blow it.
