A forum member is making himself available as a BJ Tournament tutor. He has posted elsewhere seeking “students” at $25 an hour. I had expressed my doubts about him, his qualifications (he has won 2-3 tournaments and some money) and below are some of his responses.

To my doubts about his qualifications, he responded

Sure thing! Just for you, since you apparently think I'm bullshitting:


That was when I won in December, 2019 and this one is when I got 2nd just 2 months later:


Still think I'm bullshitting? Or are those 2 pics enough proof?

Few years back, I also won $15k @ Beau Rivage then got busy with my career until I started playing in tournaments again in the quarter 4 of 2019 & winning another major tournament in Dec. If the $15k B.R. one I was successful at was the only one I won sure you can call it a fluke, but to follow it up with 2 Top 2 finishes in a span of 3 tournaments is a lil bit more than just a "fluke" dont ya think?

My questions, how much does card counting and hi-lo work in BJ tournaments? What resources are available? How do you assess a BJ Tournament tutor charging $25 an hour?

Responses appreciated. I have his permission to ask.