Quote Originally Posted by DSchles View Post
"Your question, interpreted literally, doesn’t make sense."

Of course it does.

"By definition, if you have ES10, you automatically have LS on every dealer upcard (except ace)."

Since when???
Time immemorial

This is probably the first time I've ever read a post of yours that is 100% gibberish! What ARE you thinking?

The OP plays (obviously) a NHC game with ES10
ES10 also allows surrender against 10 in a hole card game. I play that in several stores.

You can't ES vs. the ace,
You can, but not in an ES10 game. You need full early surrender.qqq Mind you, the hole card stores that I play allow LS ace (after peek)

and you can't surrender whatsoever against any other dealer upcard (no matter what you say to the contrary!). Why on earth wouldn't you consider that a perfectly valid set of rules??

Never seen a ridiculous rule set where ES10 only is offered, without the ability to surrender against any other dealer upcard (except ace). If it is available, certainly not common

In any event, for the OP, if you want an answer from someone who is sober (!), ES10 is worth 0.241% to the basic strategist playing against a 6-deck game. It is, of course, worth much more to a counter. LS, on the other hand, is worth only 0.073% for 6-deck S17 and 0.088% for H17, and so is far inferior to ES10.

Don’t drink, don’t do drugs - thank you.

See above for my notes.