Quote Originally Posted by RS View Post
Doghand, what is 1.15*?100 supposed to represent? Or maybe formatting is wonky?

Wouldn’t the SD be:

Var = 1.15^2 = 1.3225

Var = 1.3225 * 100 = 132.25

SD = 132.25^0.5 = 11.5 (units)

The ? was supposed to be a square root sign. What you did above, while correct, is unnecessary. Why bother squaring, to get variance, only to undo the square by taking square root? Just take the square root of the number of rounds (sqrt 100 = 10) and multiply by the single-hand s.d.: 10 x 1.15 = 11.5.

Then proceed as Dog Hand did. Get the z-statistic and refer to the chart to get probability of being ahead after specified number of rounds.
