First base seat. I had a $100 bet, I double down, and I win. Dealer pays me (everything is in green chips).I pulled back the $200 that I had won, but I accidentally left two stack of $100, side by side in the betting circle.Dealer pulls out the first card of the next round, exposed the card (2 of clubs), and he realized that my chips are not stacked correctly in the betting circle. He kind of paused, he didn't put the card on the felt yet, but I saw the card, and the player next to me saw it also. The Pit Supervisor was called over, and he immediately refused to make any ruling (says he doesn't know the rule, what a wuss!). I've had some very favorable rulings at this store with bigger bets out there, so I told them that I didn't care whether it's going to be ruled a $200 bet or a $100 bet. We waited 10 minutes while the Pit Boss calls/discusses with surveillance. Pit boss tells me the bets were in the betting circle, dealer motioned for all bets to be down, he made some analogy that its like a bet in roulette, etc. Ruling is a $200 bet. Is this ruling fair? Or was I the wuss, and should I have fought harder?