Quote Originally Posted by 21forme View Post
I would ask her for her cell phone number. When she asks why, I would say, "in case there's a problem with my meal, or I need anything, I can call or text you."

On an unrelated note, here's a mind boggling transaction that occurred today:
I went to pick up some sports equipment being adjusted. Guy said, "that will be $52.50."
I opened my wallet, didn't have any tens, so I pulled out three 20s and three 1s.
He looked at me and said, "What's this?"
I said, "$63. I don't have a ten."
He then said, "So is this a tip?"
I said, "No, this is so you can give me a ten dollar bill and two quarters in change."
10-1 the clerk was young - for 2 reasons. First, younger people have this sense iof entitlement. Second, simple arithmetic skills are beyond the grasp of the young - they have been spoiled by calculators and computers.