Quote Originally Posted by bjanalyst View Post

Hi Gronbog

Welcome back from vacation. I just sent you an email with a one page PDF attachments with the extra indices that need to be added for simulations.

I only need two more simulations.

(1) Add what I called in the attached PDF I sent you sim 7 and sim 8 to end of sims 1 through 6 that you did last month. This adds negative KO with 5m7c and AA89mTc indices to the no LS simulation you did last month. The reason HO2 w ASC beat my KO system for the play all situations are because I did not have negative indices for my KO system so basic strategy was used for negative situations whereas the HO2 w ASC used negative indices. This should fix the problem with the play all and my KO system should once again outperform HO2 w ASC.

(2) What I call sim 9 in the PDF I emailed you are the KO system indices for the LS game. When you do late surrender my prediction is that my KO system will perform even better against the HO2 w ASC than it did with the no LS game.

Once the simulations are done and my system proves to be more powerful than the HO2 w ASC then I will review the five criteria once again in evaluations a count system and how it applies to my KO system. The sims are only one of the five criteria I use which is what I called "power".

My five criteria that I mentioned previously in emulating a count system are:

(1) Ease of Use
(2) Power
(3) Accuracy
(4) Camouflage.
(5) Help with side bets if offered

If you have any questions on what I emailed you please email me back with your questions.

Thanks for all of your hard work.

Regardless your system is inferior to the Hi-OPT II ASC because you need to add four components to get even close to the performance of Hi-OPT II with ASC. What would happen if Hi-OPT II ASC also side counts 7s, 8s and 9s? Then it will outperform your system. I could add two more components to Hi-OPT II ASC to make it four and guarantee that it would outperform your count. I would give you more respect if your count system is two components comparing to Hi-OPT II ASC which is also two components. You don't want to admit that you are wrong when you are in fact wrong and make further corrections and adjustment to your system. I don't care about all the spreadsheets and calculations you did.

See I already mention that "camouflage" doesn't apply to your system because you are backcounting and that defeats the purpose of camouflage.