fully aware martingale is a bad idea. ive tried it and lost 600+ fairly quick a few months back
at my local cardroom that i go to regularly i dont think ive ever lost 7 hands in a row. not like that matters but just throwing it out there. that being said, its possible to do that next time im in there without question.
ive lost 300 the past 3 times ive been in there (just throwing out big bets at the wrong time..) so its not the end of the world if i waste 600+ if the chances of loosing all that are slimmer than just shooting fat bets out like ive been.
$5 min $500 max.
buy in for 640. what are the odds of walking away just 100 or 200 ahead? at 50/50 odds an estimate would be in 40 hands you would be around that $100 mark IF you dont hit that 7 loosing streak obviously..
(it would be more hands taking in consideration pushes and 3+ loosing streaks but that can go both ways i suppose..) what are the odds of hitting that 7 loose streak in that 40 hands? how about in 80 hands?