I wonder what would be the definition of full time play and of part time play. For instance, someone like T3 may play a whole lot less but devote lots of time to read, enhance, research and other stuff and actually play (actual time at table) less than 15 hours a week. Another player might play 40 hours a week but spend no time in practice or research, so what defines a full time player?

I consider myself a part time recreational player but was surprised to find that in 10 months this year, I have averaged about 34 hours a month sitting at BJ tables. Driving, flying, down time away on BJ trips is not included. I probably put in a 100 hours a month in BJ related time (mostly driving, flying and time away from home). This means I am spending about 134 hours a month on BJ related stuff (and that is not counting time spent at home on Forum or reading BJ stuff).

That is almost equivalent to a full time job!

How many hours do you actually sit at a BJ table each month? How many hours do you spend on BJ stuff outside of sitting at table (scouting, travelling, etc.) each month?