Quote Originally Posted by San Jose Bella View Post
I think if you've seriously played casually for 6 years already, have 40k, don't like your current job, and enjoy being on the road, you should go pro. If you experience extremely bad fluctuation, it's okay to quit temporarily, you're young anyway. With 40k, you can generate acceptable EV with a low ROR.
My suggestions:
Make sure you're very good at the game, read lots of books, learn the game extensively, not only good at counting but good at everything.
It’s 40k of OP’s savings after years of working in a cubicle. Are you really ok to use all that as BR? Granted he has no liabilities, doesn’t pay rent and it wouldn’t be the end of world to lose all that. But are you mentally ready for that ? I worked similar number of years and has around the same range of savings but is not willing to BR all of that. I’m trying with more of a Hail Mary approach, BR 10k myself, tolerate a slightly larger ROR and will consider going short term pro or a career break with 50k bankroll of “casino’s money”. I’m fairly certain I’ll go on tilt when I hit negative variance if I use my “life’s savings” to BR a bj career. If you are sick of a job and has 40k of savings, I’ll bet it on a passionate entrepreneurship idea or further studies for a better career. I’ll be ok with losing it that way but not on Bj. How miserable are you going to be if you lose that savings trying to go pro and had to make it back from your cubicle that you hate.
If you haven’t been able to build a decent br out of causally playing for so many years. Going pro doesn’t seem right.

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