I'm a bit paranoid about being caught (never have yet though), so I employ some acting cover - but not really any betting cover.

Some things I do:

Act like a gambler - I get mad/frustrated when I lose, especially when dealer pulls crazy 21 (the hardest part of this for me is getting as mad for a min bet as a max, but I'm working on it). I get excited about wins. I'm not necessarily acting for these - it does sting when I lose and feel good when I win, but I try and amplify it a bit.

Order an alcoholic drink -I'll occasionally order a drink and take a sip or two.

Tip - i know i'll get bashed for this, but when the count is high i'll occasionally put a small denomination chip on my big bet for the dealer. if I win, I give the winning chip to the dealer and keep the original chip in place (i actually read this tip on this board). Sometimes i'm afraid this makes me look cheap, but i figure it's better than nothing. if i have a huge win (over a few thousand), I'll tip a green or a few red as i color up when the pit is watching. i know tipping reduces my EV, but it can't hurt to have the dealer on your side. i only tip for dealers who help me with a better cut or are truly nice.

Sit out some hands - When the count is lower than -2, I'll sit out some hands after a loss and talk about changing the flow of the cards.

Ploppy talk - Play enough with gamblers and you'll pick up their body language and actual language. I've learned that there's absolutely NOTHING you can say that is too crazy. Ploppy logic is an oxymoron.

Anybody else willing to share some of their cover?