One of my struggles has to do with discomfort with heat. I walk into a casino that has both DD games and 6deck games ($25 min) on main floor and HL room. The main floor DD game and 6 deck games have 2-3 ploppies playing at each of the $25 min tables, the 1-2 pit folks keeping an eye on about 10 tables (BJ carnival, baccarat, craps). The HL room has a 6 deck and a DD game without anyone playing (could walk in and play heads up) and a pit person who will likely hawk the table you sit at as you are the only player in the room. I find myself playing the main floor with the ploppies.

If I get the courage to go for it, I play differently under scrutiny, reduce my spread, bet more in first round, leave bet out after win even if count tanks and more.

I am left wondering if playing the less desirable tables where I can get optimally is better than the better games in the HL room that require cover and less optimal betting.