Quote Originally Posted by JamesonDetroit View Post

Can I ask you what are the specific, scientific steps you take to diagnose a table as using a beast mode shuffler,
Normally in hand shuffled game, given long enough time, say two hours, I can predict who will outperform at my table, based on their skills. But in beast mode ASM, people who did opposite of Basic Strategy outperform Basic Strategy players, sometimes even outperform counters. Also be alert if most of your good doubles fail, not only you but all other players, say after two hours. For example, you saw clump of five and six with accent card two, you and your tablemates double eleven against dealer upcard five, and all of you got two, five or six. Then dealer easily made his hand. It did not happen just once or twice but all night long. I can't say I will never see this happen in hand shuffled game, but it is super rare. While ASM can easily accomplish it using the sequence and I have seen it regularly. Back to the example, a ploppy who was never taught not to split fives just split the fives, then play like the dealer, hit until making a hand. Then we saw the ploppiy wins due to small card clump.