I was using some match plays the other day and was dealt 8,8 vs 6

It was a 50 dollar match play.

In the past some dealers when splitting would let me split for the full amount or just the amount of my wager in chips (ie in this case let me split for 50 or 100) so with defensive splits I would split for less but with most splits I would split for the full amount.

Other dealers would make me split for everything, in this case 100.
This dealer told me I had to split for the full amount if I wanted to split.

So i decided not to split and surrendered (they gave me back $37.50 and took the match play)

Was this the right move? My thinking was i effectively am betting 75 (rounding off and counting the value of the match play as half of 50 ) but would have to put up another 100 to split making it the wrong decision.