Quote Originally Posted by Three View Post
I always think its laughable that people believe the casino won't know who they are because they never showed ID if they want that information. There are so many ways to get your identity. Many would just require casino footage to be reviewed. Did you drive there in a car registered to you or rented by you with real ID? Did you use an ATM or credit card on the premises? Did you get carded for your ace for alcohol or to be able to gamble? Then if they have connections with any insiders for places that use facial recognition software and get your name like DMV, banks, ATMs etc. The idea that your face is not connected to your name somewhere that can be searched with the right access code or by a hacker in this day and age is remote.
Actually, some decent shit here. Don't use an inhouse ATM machine, don't use your credit card - try, if you can, not to use your own vehcle, and park it on premise. That is clearly impractical for some. Rental cars are nice.

Also, rotation routes where u show your face on some semblance of an irregular schedule - if they really want to know, they will find out.