Quote Originally Posted by paydatman View Post
Man, I heard about this thread and had to come in here to chime in. Theres some funny videos out there that make Innovator look like a fool. I think he does great job on his own though. What seals the deal is he still talks with michael morgenstern, has him on his discord and openly gives him credit for everything he's done.

Change the World? How, allowing the worlds largest monstrousity Casino to be built on losses from people who believed their intuition could get them rich?

Whats he talking about..even keeping the tarzan count is little better then hiopt2 (which ive been practicing for a few hours and am not sure why everyone isnt doing it)..
So is he talking about a betting system or some kind of precog?
The only advancement you could make to blackjack is if you invented xray specs- and i can already get those from a reputable source in the back of my mad magazine