I will soon have the chance to cross the Canadian-USA border (heading south) and go to a Reserve Casino. They have a Canadian dollar at par promotion. Get a certain number of points and you can exchange Cdn dollars for Greenbacks at par up to a max of $600 per day.

Here are some of the relevant factors:

  1. I'm a new player with a good job and this is a fun trip. While I get no joy from losing money, let's categorize this as $1000 training bankroll and expendable under a 35% RoR in the guise of meeting up with some old friends.
  2. Since this Casino is "out of the way" and caters to buses of the elderly (FYI - not me - older, but not elderly! Hmmm...maybe I should borrow a walker and go deaf as cover?), I am going to assume there are probably $10 tables (need to confirm, obviously, but you guys are awesome at these theoretical questions!)
  3. Nor do I know how points are calculated yet. Not sure if there are typical systems in use so i may have to get more info to garner valid opinions. But assuming there is nothing else to do do but play, hours should be available.
  4. Bearing in mind the counting errors I'll certainly make (I'm confident my BS is accurate and I guess flat bet when I lose count) with a narrow spread of say 1 - 5 against a northern border states HE of about .6 it seems to me that this is a positive EV play? Notwithstanding freezing your ass off in the middle of nowhere...
  5. This would require getting a player card (boo!) but (a) I haven't been to this place in 25 years, (b) I won't be back for another 25 years (if I last that long), (c) my play will likely be unremarkable and low level so not too worried. If - in the unlikely event I am backed off -- I'll brush up on 3 card poker and have a few beers.

What do you think? The bank rate is about $1.30 Cdn to buy $1USD. All else being equal (it isn't...but for argument's sake) is that a $30 win rate off the hop? Maybe $31.50 with the BJ?
