Its a 6 deck H17 game, 1.2 deck cut off, count is TC+2, you are playing with a ploppy at first base and playing 2 hands. About 3 decks have been played. You have a bet of $100 on each hand. Dealer has a 10 showing, ploppy at first base has a 19 (10,9). Your first hand has a pair of 8's, the second has a 9,7. You split your 8's, get a 9 on the first 8, another 8 on the second hand. You split again, get a 10 on the first 8 and yet another 8 on the second. If you need to split, you have to reach in and cash another $100. Would you split?

How does your decision making go in such a situation? Do you split your 8's against a 10 on a positive count? Would you do another split if you received another 8? Does your bet amount make a difference?

I am trying to get a handle on the decision making process.