I have played rated at local casinos for 3+ years but winning has only become more consistent this year. If, and when, they decide to BO me, how does it occur? At one chain, the room comps and table play have dried up but no countermeasures have been taken at the table. At another chain, one pit guy jokes that he "has never seen this guy lose" and the other Pit guy says he has seen me lose. They let me play.

I dont know know how to avoid a BO because I don't even show them my card, they know me and log me in.

Hopefully, they will simply tell me as soon as I sit down that they cannot let me play anymore. I would rather not have a pile of chips in front of me, 2-3 suited guys and security escort me to cage and outside as I have read here.

I am hoping I am being paranoid and nothing will ever happen as long as I keep my win sessions to $200 or less, short sessions.