Well, shit. Had my first back off today. I was only in the joint for maybe 40 minutes. Bought in for 400, lost it all, 400 more, then slowly chipped away to climb back to a measly +$300. Worst part is, I was coloring up to leave as it happened. And I was planning to leave after the shoe before, but decided on one last shoe (didn't profit a single chip the last shoe). I think I'd have made it out the door had I not stuck it out for that last one. As I colored, the suits showed up and asked me to step back to talk for a minute, and I asked if I could just leave. He asked for my ID, and I told him I'm just going to leave. He then announced he was so and so and was head of security and they need my ID because they think I'm under 30. Lol right? Anyways, I was polite with him and told him I wasn't going to give him any trouble and I just want to leave. He began walking with me to the door and asked me to cash out my chips. For the 12th time, I said I just want to leave and I'll figure that out later. Once he realized I wasn't heading to the cage (where he said to cash in my orange chip they will need my ID- wasn't going there before he mentioned that and damn sure wasn't going there now). He then followed me to the door where I proceeded to walk down the strip.

I was not asked to sign anything and everything was verbal. He said that if I cash out my chips, I can return to play anything but blackjack. But then stated that if I do not cash the chips, then I am not allowed back to the casino. Without anything written, will returning be considered trespassing? At no point did I ever present an ID, but I did make the mistake of parking in the garage. So I guess I'll find out via USPS whether or not they send me a written notice of trespassing. I have a feeling another casino may have been on to me and tipped them off.