To set the record 100% straight, about the ex con scam artist Michael Morgenstern and not the self proclaimed "Best blackjack player in the world". The main reason Mike has gotten and continues to get banned from Casino properties, is due to his felony background and behavior displayed in the Casinos. This is contrary to Mike's reasons as being a "professional card counter".

It's widely known, through his own admission, he's a convicted felon for armed robbery. This also includes 2 seperate felony domestic assault charges, along with many other misdemeanor charges in his 40 year existance.
It was confirmed, by respected employee sources of certain casino's, quoted as saying Mike's "extremely suspicious behavior while frequenting the Casinos, his serious criminal history and youtube video threats to possibly commit more crimes" has made Casinos taking action to refuse him from future visits on their properties.

So while Mike continues to spew his lies and ignorance, to the few dim witted who believe him, in his youtube rants. The facts are and can be proven, the Casinos have taken action to protect all their patrons and themselves, from this dilusional convict's behavior. Should Mike wish to challenge this post "Live on his youtube channel" any night he wishes, I'd be more then happy to expose him to all his Blackjack Salvation Army tards.

The ball's in your court now Mike, set up the night to have me live on your channel and I'll make you look like the fool you are with the proof I have