Quote Originally Posted by Freightman View Post
Regarding 6d comments - Agree, or disagree depending on how you do things. For most players, I would agree.
I interpolate right from the start, or close, if you will, resolve by half decks.

There’s that thing on cvcx that allows you to calculate your optimal ramp, and also allows you to do so also by half true counts. You will notice differences in ramping by full versus half true counts.

As an example, the true 1 bucket gives your bet for everything from true 1.0 to true 1.99. Half true counts define from 1.0 to 1.49 and 1.5 to 1.99. RC divided by decks remaining (rounded up) gives you true count resolved by full decks. Now, double your RC, divide by half decks remaining anD voila - a higher degree of accuracy.

Work it through.

Now, Bosox, tell me where that 6d .269 house edge is. I may get so excited, that I might start practicing the FBM ASC.