Hi everyone. I have been lurking this forum for about a month now and finally decided to register. Please be nice.

More about me, I am what I can call a casual blackjack player for about 6 years now. We go to Vegas once a year, AC once or 2x a year or so, and the closest casino to us about 3x a year. Just recently we have been going to the closest one 2x a month. 6 decks, DAS, DA2, no surrender, split aces one card each, dealer hits soft 17. I know and follow BS by heart and have had my share of wins and losses. I'm interested in card counting (I know I have to start practicing - A LOT!), got some questions for you APs...

1. As I have been reading in the forum, you get the TC by dividing RC by the number of decks left to deal. When you say number of decks left, does that include the cards behind the cut card or not?

2. How long should I normally stay on the table? I buy in $200 on a $15 table and would spread from $15 to $75. If I'm up $200-$300, is that enough profit that I should leave or do I stay with the thinking that the table is hot? This always happen to me where I'm up $200 and not leave the table and end up losing my profit and my buy in.

Just recently, I have a $50 bet up, got two 6s against a dealer showing 4. Split the 6s 4x, double on 2 of them putting my bet to $300 - dealer busts!! Yipee!! So I go cash out my profit though I have only been dealt 3 hands on that table. Should I have stayed or was I correct at leaving?

3. I leave the table when someone enters and does not follow BS. Do all of you do this?

4. We will be visiting Biloxi and AC in the next couple of months, do you have any recommendations on which casinos to play at with better player advantage?

Any other tips? I appreciate any feedback, and thanks in advance.