So I was thinking there really shouldn't be a reason that computational Blackjack simulators should cost money. Blackjack is a simple enough game for a college com sci class to implement, so what's the difference if you add in some basic strategy charts and a betting scheme?

So I wrote one in C. You basically get full control of what goes on, and I have allowances for a decent chunk of rule variations like hit/stand 17 or Blackjack payout to allow for those items to be changed very quickly. As for other rules, for example, specifically allowing doubling after splitting on certain hands, that's another jump in implementation. Achievable certainly, but it's another conceptual checkpoint for sure.

Here's my YT vid where I demo the simulator. In the description are methods of supporting my channel if you are so interested.

Here's my git page, where you can download the code for the simulator for free. It is released under the MIT license so you can do anything you want with it long's you don't blame me for losing your leg while using it or something.

Download the code pack from git
Make editions to blackjack.h according to your game of interest
Compile and run freealgos.c in console, calling solely blackjack_sim() in the main() function of freealgos.c
And you'll get the simulated long term results in the console, plus the cash in or out for each game in a text file.

Thanks, peace!