I made a separate post of this. On this forum, two topics are often discussed. One is heat and avoiding it and the other is the increased benefits of learning more indexes beyond the I-18. My question then is whether one leads to the other,mwhether playing with more indexes leads to more heat?

Would it not seem strange for a person to make different decisions when faced with the same cards each time? One time you take insurance, another time you don't, one time you hit your 15 against a 10, another time you don't, one time you stand on a 14 against a 10 and another time you hit a 16 against the same 10.

i would think using more indexes leads to more playing variations and this leads to more differences than the average ploppy an AP is trying to appear like and thus more heat, less longevity etc.

is this not a factor when we analyze benefits of more indexes?