Today’s Kevin Blackwood chat will be moderated. That is, questions and comments will be placed in a moderation queue and released one at a time to avoid confusion. So, as much as we were taught to say “thank you,” such posts will not come out at the right time.

Moderation will be turned on somewhat in advance of the chat. So, you can ask questions before Kevin shows up and they will be stored in the q to be released after he arrives. You will receive a message that your post was placed in the q instead of seeing it immediately appear. It is possible that moderation will be turned off before the end of the chat.

If you have not used this chat room before, please try it out well in advance, so we don’t have a lot of technical questions/problems during the chat. IE, FireFox, Chrome, Safari, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Android devices are supported. If you wish to detach the chat and let it float in a separate window, you will need at least Java6.

If you can, attend from the start so questions aren’t repeated. I believe Kevin will be available for one hour.