Over the last several days, our server has been under an unusual number of brute force attacks which can cause sluggishness. I have been banning IPs several times a day. Apologies for any effect on response times. If you experience poor response, please e-mail me so I can see if we are again under attack. Over the last year, I've banned tens of thousands of IPs. You may have noticed the reduction in users signed in each day as I have drastically cut the number of SPAMBot generated users. I have a permanent solution planned; but it will require a move that I don't have time for at the moment.

If you travel to a country and cannot get access, particularly China, Taiwan, S. Korea, the Ukraine, or the Philippines, contact me with your IP and I will reopen it as I have banned large blocks of IPs in those countries. We have also been under attack from several US states; but the blocks have been narrow.