Yesterday, I was in a large casino down south that offered many DD games with penetration varying between 55-65% and standard rules with H17 and no Surrender. They also had just one SD game.

The only rule difference between the two games was that the SD game days d not allow doubling after splits.

In in the old days, there used to be talk about "round of 6" etc., but even heads up or with one person, the dealer was giving 3-4 rounds. She would deal three rounds and, depending upon cards remaining, deal one more or shuffle. This was bad when 2 were playing but when. I was heads up, I was getting 4 rounds only.

I did play successfully by simply playing $25 to start the game, increasing with the running count to $50 at RC 1, $75 at RC2 and $100 at RC 3, it seldom went more than RC4. Unfortunately, I was not aware of the subtleties of the SD game and splitting rules when no doubling. I saw the pit getting interested when I was up about $800 so I quit, moved to a DD game in another pit.

Is it a good game or is the DD game better? If the DD game was dealt to 70% plus, would that be the better game?