So this weekend I bumped into a buddy at the tables. We talked for a bit while I back counted and we got in a discussion about side bets.

I avoid side bets like the plague, but I had to laugh that he was trying to convince me that 21 +3 is the way to make money. He doesn't know I count so to him I'm just an excessive gambler. He couldn't grasp that he needed to win one out of every 9 bets just to break even. To him I was an idiot for not betting the side bets even though my pocket was full of black chips and he lost 2 grand. (Don't I feel dumb now lol)

Anyways it got me thinking. I found a place that has over/under 13. Of all the side bets I've seen it looks like this one might be beatable. Do you guys think it is worth throwing a little money down on this one or would it make more sense to just raise your bet / play another hand?