From the standpoint of a under banked player would what are your thoughts on the following as a way to try to rapidly increase the bankroll.

Lets assume that a player is starting off with $1000 which is essentially their session bankroll. Over the course of play they now have $3000.
They want to leverage their wins and try to up their bets by taking session bankroll to $2000.00. They prefer to not to loose all $2000 but are aware that they could.

Since they have essentially tripped their starting amount how can they best use the $1000 or the whole $2000 to try to get a bigger bump in their bankroll. (Obviously with a ROR increase)

Game would probably be an 8 deck game H17 DAS NS with 75 to 85 pen. $10 or $25.00 min.

All that being said in general what are some strategies that can be used to try to quickly boost up a bankroll.